Exhibition Desigh. IITF. Delhi. 2008


Venue: Delhi Pragati Maidaan

The Design Team: Kunjal Panchal. Architect
Dilip Dhankani. Art Director.

The government of Gujarat needs to sell its policies to the
general voting public every year thru a public exhibition
which is held every year as IITF.

This entry won first prize in the competition.
My first attempt at Art Direction.

The plan has 3 bays spread over an area of 7000 sqft.

  • Middle bay - Rural Development.
  • Left bay -Civil works and urban infrastructure.
  • Right bay -Industrial development and infrastructure.

One starts with the middle bay, goes into the left bay and exits
after winding up with the right bay as seen in the Animation.

The visual story is designed to implant a thought in the
audiences mind that ' we together with the gujarat
government have a great future.